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Consulting and Training Services:

  • Project management  and support

  • Grant writing support

  • Empathy Training

  • Individualized training design

  • Report writing and design



"Helping organizations provide the most caring care possible helps older adults they serve have the best aging."

  • Do you have an aging related project that you need help managing?

  • Have you identified a training or project that would improve your organization but your staff needs support to get it going?

  • Is staff burnout a big issue?
  • Does your staff spend much of their time soothing disgruntled family members?
  • Are you tasked with writing a report or grant and would like help researching  supporting information?

  • Do you want to improve empathy among staff?
  • If you were in need for care for yourself or a loved one, would you choose your organization to provide serices?


  • Is your staff proud of where they work?
  • Do family members and residents expereince frustrations about qualty of care?


  • How caring is your organization's care?

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